In the joints is where the movements of our body originate. When we exercise them we help to maintain them in good condition, both to them and to tendons and ligaments. If we force them, there is swelling and pain that we cannot sometimes bear. That is why, just as we train other parts of our body, we also have to worry about training these. For that you need to show yourself simple and easy exercises that you can practice daily from anywhere. Pay close attention!
Head tilt
You have to stand up and take your head from front to back and from one side to the other. You'll feel your neck stretching and you'll feel more relaxed. You can repeat it during the day and from any place where you are, it will only take a few minutes.
Turn of legs
Stand in front of a wall and swing one leg from one side to the other and then repeat with the other leg. The heel should guide the movement and your torso must remain straight on the floor.
Ankle rotation
Elevates one leg and performs rotations in each of the ankles, at least 10 times on each side.
Hip rotation
Stand up and with your hands at the waist begins to move from one side to the other with circular movements. Toggles the direction of the movement.
Finish your workout with stretching, you can do high on the floor, with one leg stretched and the other not. Reach the toe with your hand and stay like this for a few minutes, repeat on the opposite side.
You have to stand up and take your head from front to back and from one side to the other. You'll feel your neck stretching and you'll feel more relaxed. You can repeat it during the day and from any place where you are, it will only take a few minutes.
Turn of legs
Stand in front of a wall and swing one leg from one side to the other and then repeat with the other leg. The heel should guide the movement and your torso must remain straight on the floor.
Ankle rotation
Elevates one leg and performs rotations in each of the ankles, at least 10 times on each side.
Hip rotation
Stand up and with your hands at the waist begins to move from one side to the other with circular movements. Toggles the direction of the movement.
Finish your workout with stretching, you can do high on the floor, with one leg stretched and the other not. Reach the toe with your hand and stay like this for a few minutes, repeat on the opposite side.