It turns the food into your greatest ally to treat the tingling in the skin. Think of it as a medicine, and not only as a source of pleasure
Do you know the paresthesia? It is the name that receives the tingling on the skin, that feeling that an insect is walking through the epidermis.
If you perceive this with a certain frequency, we advise you to go to the doctor, as it may be a symptom of important illnesses.
These include multiple sclerosis or others related to a malfunction of the nerves.
But there are also other less critical sources, but we also need to pay attention. You want to meet them?
Causes of tingling in the skin
Poor circulation
If this is the germ of your problem, you can say that you are lucky, because the tingling in the skin has served to warn you. As you know, a difficulty in this sense can cause significant damage.
From now on you are willing to start taking care of yourself. This reaction occurs when the blood is too thick or the arteries are clogged.
So it's hard to move smoothly. It would be like what happens in a sprinkler with adhesions or when the water that passes through it is full of sand.
Restless legs syndrome
In general, the syndrome usually hides a condition in the kidney, anemia or diabetes that translates into a neurological condition.
The brain feeds on blood, so when it doesn't have enough quality, the muscle can somehow resent it.
One of them is to provoke that feeling to the point of perceiving that the extremities are numbing you.
Lack of minerals and vitamins
Vitamins and minerals are essential to nourish the muscles and all types of tissues. So when we have a deficit in this sense, we can notice a special sensibility.
Moreover, lacking nutrients also depletes sooner than usual. Consequently, this fatigue is caused by tingling in the skin.
Again, we see how the body rebels when it detects a lack.
How to treat tingling in the skin
Swimming is one of the best exercises that exist, but especially for circulation, given that the whole body moves.
This is a low-impact sport, a matter that makes it valid for almost anyone.
In addition, it raises the heart rate and stimulates blood movement, but so you can keep that frequency for a long time.
In this sense, we activate the circulatory system and ensure that our organism is fed in the best way.
Gravity is an obstacle for the blood to reach everywhere, particularly when traveling upwards and in a horizontal way.
For their part, yoga postures facilitate their movement in these directions, as the body changes position.
In addition, it is not an aggressive activity, so it poses no risk to us, as long as we respect the technique of movements.
Increase consumption of vitamins and minerals
All natural foods give us something positive. Consequently, you do not have to resort to resorts or supplements.
Everything you need is in the food. Just know how to choose the ingredients of your recipes:
Fatty fish
We want to emphasize this issue. It is true that there are certain basic elements that must be given in any diet. Also it is that the most desirable is to adapt the same to our demands.
In this sense, it is good to think of it as a medicine, what do you need for your body to function well and what food can provide it?
If you take this approach, your life will improve. You will begin to eat in a much more intelligent way and you will have a greater well-being.
If you combine exercise with a good diet, the tingling in the skin will disappear or improve. That's for sure.
However, remember, visit your doctor if you experience this phenomenon frequently. Then, combine your treatment with these measures. The collaboration of both therapies will provide considerable relief.
In addition, they all serve to keep the body young, since they act as great barriers for the intrusion of bacteria and microbes.
Will you tell us how you feel after following our advice?