7 Easy exercises to take care of your eyes and avoid headaches

7 Easy exercises to take care of your eyes and avoid headaches
It is essential that we remember to blink frequently. So our eyes will remain hydrated and avoid the extreme tiredness of keeping the gaze fixed, especially when we work in front of a screen.
The headache is often associated with our eyes and your health.

Sometimes we do not realize, but the visual fatigue caused by the use of computers or keeping our attention at a certain point for a long time derives in multiple consequences that we are not always aware of.

We've all been there once. Get home and have to resort to a painkiller to relieve that headache.
Ajora well ... and if we told you that it is enough to do these 7 exercises throughout the day to counteract and avoid this annoyance?

We assure you that they work, that they are easy to carry out and that, as soon as you begin to practice them every day, your visual fatigue will improve in a remarkable way, as well as the incidence of your headache.
Take note of this workout routine for your eyesight.

1. Exercise with palms of hands
Sit down and close your eyes. Take a deep breath for 1 minute.
Rub your palms vigorously until they warm up and then them gently over your eyelids.
Feel the warmth your hands transfer to your eyes and eyelids in the midst of that darkness.
Repeat this process 3 times: Close your eyes, breathe and rub the palms of your hands to place them on the eyelids.
2. Flashes
Did you know that when we are in front of the computer, our eyes forget to blink as much as they would need it?

The brain is overstimulated and prioritizes attention to the moisturizing of the eyes and hence the redness and subsequent headache.

Take note of what you need to do:

Sit with your eyes open.
It flashes about 10 times quickly.
Now, close your eyes for 20 seconds. Breathe deeply.
Repeat this exercise 5 times.
3. Left-to-right movement
Sit down and extend one of your arms, keeping your fist closed and lifting at the same time the thumb, pointing upward.
Look at that point on your finger for 10 seconds.
Now move your arm to the left slowly, and continue with your gaze that movement.
Then we start the opposite movement, we go to the right.
Repeat these movements 5 times in each direction.
After completing this exercise, close your eyes for 3 minutes.
4. Up and Down
Sit with your back straight and your legs together.
Put your fists on your knees.
Now raise the right thumb of one of your hands little by little, until you place it at the height of your eyes. Then go up to your head. Now go down.
Repeat with the other arm.
Finally, close your eyes and relax.
5. Focusing the tip of the nose
This exercise will be done only once. It is not advisable to repeat it because it we the risk of dizziness.

Seated and in a comfortable and safe position, place the thumb on the tip of the nose.
Direct your gaze towards that finger, so that both eyes converge at that point in common.
Now put your finger away from your nose and take it in front.
Relax your eyes by closing your eyelids for 20 seconds.
6. Take your eyes to take a long walk
People spend much of the day with their eyes set on short, limited and very restricted distances. Something like this implies a sobresfuerzo and extreme visual exhaustion.

We must be very aware of this and understand that we should devote at least 10 minutes to this simple and relaxing exercise to this day.

Stand in front of an open window and take your gaze to the horizon, to the furthest point. Do it for 2 minutes.
Now, take your look at the tip of your nose and then go back to that distant point of the horizon.
Blinks fast several times.
7. Massage of Temples
Masajear las sienes es algo sencillo, relajante y terapéutico. Dedica a esta mágica terapia unos 10 minutos al día repartidos en 5 momentos a lo largo de tu jornada.
  • Siéntate con la espalda recta.
  • Respira profundamente. Aspira durante 6 segundos, contén el aire 7 y exhala durante 8 segundos.
  • Ahora con el dedo índice y corazón de cada mano, masajea tus sientes durante dos minutos.
  • Relájate con el ejercicio.

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