The alarm sounds and the division in society begins: one part can not go without his first meal of the day, and the other prefers to stay a little longer in bed than to get up for breakfast. Who is more right, and what is the best breakfast?
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day?
It has been repeated a million times, but many nutritionists do not currently believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. They tend to believe that the decisive factor is that the total intake throughout the day is correct, regardless of the number of intakes or when it is made.
But what is clear is that if you eat breakfast, you should do well, choosing healthy foods and neglecting the palate.
It is important the optimal mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and micronutrients so that the body and mind get all the energy and substances that I need in a day.
• Young children, adolescents, office workers and all those whose jobs are sitting need a light breakfast in calories but plenty of nutrients that promote mental capacity and do not end up accumulating in the belly and hips.
• People with more physical jobs or professions benefit, on the contrary, from a strong breakfast that strengthens the muscles and provides energy.
What are the ingredients of a healthy breakfast?
People are unique in their body structure, their demands for nutrition and their movement. However, there are tips that are useful for everyone. For this reason the following list of foods is appropriate for all people who do not have to take care of allergies or intolerances:
• Fresh fruit salad: you can put in it what you like most: apples, bananas, pears, berries ... It has the advantage that you can vary with the fruits that appear in each new season.
• Raisins and other dried fruits: it is rich in nutrients and perfectly crowns a healthy homemade muesli. They help to fight the anxiety to consume chocolate and trinkets and also activate the gray cells.
• Soy yogurt: it gives a special touch to the fruit salad and also provides quality protein.
• Soy curd: it also provides good protein, it can be cut into slices and served in integral sandwiches with fresh aromatic leaves.
• Oat flakes: a superfood with good reason, because it contains proteins, vitamin B, phosphorus, iron, zinc and magnesium. In addition, thanks to its fiber, they protect and regenerate the intestinal flora.
• Brazil nuts, almonds, hazelnuts or pine nuts: they are a great food for the brain. The nuts also provide magnesium, folic acid and healthy fats.
• Eggs: they are full of energy, they contain vitamin D, K, B12 and botin, in addition they are also rich in selenium, iron and unsaturated fatty acids.
Foods that should not be in a healthy breakfast
Some foods are not appropriate to taste good morning. After rising, the metabolism is not yet at its maximum capacity, hence a breakfast too copious or forceful can overload quickly and produce heaviness in the stomach. Hence, it is better to avoid:
X - Commercial chocolate creams: they are very tasty, but they contain too many unhealthy sugars and fats.
X - Bagels or white bread: for its manufacture only cereal starch is used, hence the white bread is less nutritious and sats for a short time.
X - Fatty sausages: such as salami, mortadella or chorizo. They are fatty and are full of harmful additives. Remember that those made with red meat are carcinogenic according to WHO.
X - Very fatty cheeses such as Camembert, Cheddar or Gorgonzola.
X - Industrial bakery: it is rich in sugars, fats and additives.
Tips to prepare a healthy breakfast for those who have trouble getting started
Many people regret, when they begin to hear the roars of their stomachs, that they have not taken a little time for breakfast. And contrary to what many believe, a healthy breakfast can be prepared quickly.
1- If you do not want to prepare a homemade muesli, take a commercial bar of muesli eco and quality, without added sugars or fats.
2- After dinner prepare a tasty fruit salad and put it in a glass jar screw cap to keep it at night in the fridge.
3- Prepare a fruit and vegetable smoothie: it is fast and the body uses the nutrients it contains very well.
4- Prepare an integral sandwich with tomato and egg, for example, and take it as a snack when mid-morning your hunger attacks.
A healthy breakfast is the perfect entry to the day and is part of a healthy lifestyle. If to all this we add walking instead of taking a means of transport and using the stairs instead of the elevator, we will enjoy an exemplary day.